Thursday, December 20, 2007

The packing is not going as smoothly or tightly as I had hoped

So I am attempting to pack for the crazy awesome road trip, as I head out to my parents' after I am done work.

Whe I went from Winnipeg to Pinelow this summer, I took one duffel bag, one backpack, and one hang-up bag.

So far, I only have my clothes packed, never mind all the other stuff, and I am already at TWO duffel bags AND a backpack.

How did this happen?

I am going to blame sweaters. In the summer, I had two sweaters along, and no jackets. Now, of course, I have lots of sweaters. And a couple of jackets.

Added to this is the fact that I cannot find my black tank top. I suppose I can get by without it, but I totally would have worn it! I am hoping, really hoping, that I left it at my parents' place last weekend when I did my laundry.

But how can I fit everything else into my bags?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know you're probably just ranting, but in case you actually want advice: Indiana camp is about as relaxed as you get - especially when it comes to clothing!!! You'll be indoors most of the time - there is no need to walk outside between the dorm, the meeting room & the dining hall - everything is tunneled... so you will pretty much be indoors for 5 days. If that helps? Also: by relaxed, I mean, they really are okay if you wear something twice - or the same thing all week long! haha :) I don't know about the St. Louis portion of your travels, though. But if you have packed a lot for Indiana, you can get rid of probably half ;)

love you!