Monday, January 28, 2008

Book Meme

I finally got tagged for this book meme. I am going to self-impose the same rule as everyone else, and say that I cannot say the Bible, as that would have to answer a lot of the questions.

1. Name one book that changed your life.
I am going to say Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy. I am not saying that I always put into practise the themes of the book, but it definately changed my perspective on a lot of things and helped me to put my priorities in order.

2. Name one book you have read more than once.
This is so hard. I am going to cheat and pick a series that I have read more than once, and say Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. There are six books in the series, and admittedly they are a little intimidating at first (each book is over a thousand pages long) but it is totally worth it. There are still more books to write and each one takes a long time to write.... I can safely say though, for every woman who has ever read them, is that we all wish we could have our own personal Jamie Fraser. And Young Ian. And Roger MacKenzie. And... you get the idea.

3. Name one book you would take on a desert island.
Oh no. This is too hard.Ummm... Swiss Family Robinson. Definately. I have also reread this book, and I think it sort of fits the situation, doesn't it? Apparently that one wasn't too hard after all.

4. Name two books that made you laugh.
Garfield. He is so sarcastic and awesome. I love him. And... ummm... Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. In particular, the all the portions with Fred and George and the jokeshop. And when they flew away. I love those two.

5. Name one book that made you cry.
Lots of books make me cry. It is pretty much how I decide how good a book is. The author that always makes me cry is Karen Kingsbury, in particular her Baxter Family series. It is just beautiful. And she is so good at expressing human emotion.

6. Name one book you wish you had written.
The entire Harry Potter series. Then I would be super-rich. Plus, they have amazing re-readability value.

7. Name one book you wish has never been written.
I know exactly which book. I just cannot recall the name. It is an older American novel, about a married woman who discovers her sexuality with another man, and then at the end swims out into the ocean and kills herself. I studied it for English in my first year of college, and hates it. Truly hated it. Anyone remember what it is called?

8. Two books I am currently reading.
I am not actually reading any books right now. My problem is that I generally read books in one sitting. And I don't even have any waiting for me cuz I already read them all.

9. Name five people that you tag.
I am not certain who reads this that I has not done it or been tagged for it yet. I'll try... Meghan, Debbie (put it on FB), Rebekah, and anyone else who is reading this. If you don't have a blog, put it on your Facebook.


Anonymous said...

The Awakening by Kate Chopin. I studied it in two classes, and I loved it, oddly--although I completely disagree with the morals behind it. It was just so beautifully written, and you can easily understand how it all happened.

The Wisper said...

That is it! I figured you would know it. I didn't like it. Not only did I not like the morals, the author never connected with me, and try as I might, I just could not be sympathetic to the characters.