Monday, March 31, 2008


I am down to only having a few moments left of being twenty-one years old. I thought I would mark the occasion by looking back over the year and condense some of the moments for you.

This whole year has been spent broke. I have had a great variety of jobs, and none of them were particularly good, but most have not been particularly bad. I graduated from college this year, moved three times (once across the hall, once to Winnipeg, and once back to Edmonton). I have had a lot of people phase out of my life, have had a lot of people pass through, and have managed to regain old friendships.

I have had more job interviews than I can count, and have finally stopped taking the bus. Having my own car has (fortunately) reduced the numbers of creepy old men hitting on me, though it has admittedly provided less blog material. I also finally relaxed my prejudice against bangs, and got a haircut- with bangs. It turns out that this was a fabulous move. I also went on several great road trips, and discovered... I love road trips. I need to have road trips; they are a part of me.

I learned a fair bit this year:
  • That you can't depend on everyone. There are a handful of people you can count on no matter what, and a great deal of people you can count on for empathy and support, but there are also people that are fine to hang out with, as long as you remember that they are fair-weather friends. And that is okay.
  • It is okay to let people leave your life.
  • It is wonderful to meet new people and have meaningful encounters and relationships.
  • I am gutsy. Anyone who knew me even three years ago would not have pictured me going through the streets talking and praying with prostitutes.
  • That I deal with problems through distraction- by watching Friends or The Office or Heroes, or reading stories, or playing World of Warcraft... This is how I distance myself from problems and hurt.
  • I also learned that I am amazingly blessed. Even through all the unstability of this past year, God has always provided for all of my needs. I have people around me who support me and laugh with me and don't mind that I am sometimes a little random. I am smart, and beautiful, and funny. I'm a nice person, and people like me. I live in a country and in a time where people are free- and so often I take it for granted. Jesus died for me and He saved me! That is a lot to be thankful for.

So to everyone who touched my life in some way during this past eventful year- thanks. And I hope I touched your life too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post, Jennifer.