Monday, February 2, 2009

Questions from May-B

May-B from Reality Check has given me five questions to answer. If you would like your own set of personalized questions, do let me know and I will hook you up.

1. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?

Ooh this is a hard one! Would I be able to change my accessories? I hope so. I think I would wear my little black dress. I get lots of people checking me out in it. Hopefully I could switch up my shoes and hairstyle to make it more or less dressy. It is already pretty dressy, but it is better to be slightly overdressed for life than terribly underdressed. Also, it is all black so unlikely to go out of style.

2. What is the website that sucks the most time from your life? Why?

Facebook. Hands down, facebook. I have to check it at least four times a day, and can easily do stuff on it for hours at a time. I lurk on people's pages, and there are so many games to play! It is one of the best timewasters out there.

3. Where did you see your life going by the time you hit this age? Are you where you thought you'd be?

In some ways I am about where I thought I'd be. I am finishing up my degree- maybe a little later than I'd like but not too bad. I am living on my own. There are only a couple of things that would have been nice- I have never held a job for a full year- lots of going back to school and last year was a gongshow. I have also never had a boyfriend, which would have been nice, but I don't think I need one to be a smart successful woman. Though it definately would have been nice.

4. Name the best comfort food and the best reason to eat it.

Ice cream is the ultimate comfort food. Hands down. The reason why I most commonly eat it? Another Friday night by myself. Feeling rejected. Rebekah would say she could tell when I was upset cuz I would be watching friends with a spoon and tub of ice cream. The best reason to eat ice cream of course, is celebration. Celebrating anything really- birthday, party, achievement...

5. What is your best attribute?

Well... :) Physically? I have an excellent figure- curvy in all the right places. But more importantly is character attributes- It is hard to pick- I am a good listener and quite funny (though not in large crowds). I am intelligant. I am opinionated and good at expressing my opinions in appropriate ways. I have to say, I like myself a fair bit.

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