Monday, February 23, 2009

Surprise in church

There is a ninety-two year old man in my church (Peter). He is very active and spry for his age, and if you didn't know him, you would guess he was in his seventies. He has been alone for a very long time, longer than I have been alive.

This week in church he gets up and tells a story. Sixty some odd years ago, he had a girlfriend in some town in the middle of nowhere and then he had to move away and they lost contact. He had not heard from her or seen her in sixty years, and had had a life and kids and whatnot. His son asked him to meet a relative of his wife's at the bus station, so he goes down to Greyhound, and guess who he is supposed to meet? That is right, his ex-girlfriend from long long ago got off the bus! This was Sunday.

On Wednesday, he proposed and on Thursday they bought the ring.

His fiancee was in church- she is a cute lady, and really friendly. She showed me the ring, and they are getting married in July and still deciding to live here or Saskatchewan. He was getting all the older ladies from the church to meet her and showing her off. It was so bizarre to see him as a part of a couple, but so cute. I have never seen him this happy.

They are totally smitten.


LynnieC said...

That is completely insane!

Bronwyn said...

So sweet!!

The Wisper said...

I know!!

Rob-bear said...

Wow! What a great story!