Sunday, December 16, 2007

He knew

I was home for Christmas this weekend, as it is the last time we will all be together before Christmas. We had our turkey dinner with my uncle over and exchanged gifts, then my dad went outside to do some chores.

My dog loves my uncle. The moment the door shut behind my dad, my dog whipped it out of the foyer where he was allowed to be and into the dining room where he is not allowed to be. But we didn't care, and Buddy had the time of his life! We gave him belly rubs and he was dashing back and forth inbetween everyone getting pets.

Then I heard my dad on the steps. I said, "Buddy, Dad's coming."

The dog scuttled back into the foyer so fast, whipped behind the door, and laid down on his blanket just before my dad opened the door.

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