Thursday, December 13, 2007

I should not be allowed to do anything a four year old is not allowed to do

Lately, I have been turning into a klutz. I am forever dropping things at work. I always have at least a couple of paper or cardboard cuts at a time. Plastic cuts too. They really really hurt. I am fortunate that my exacto knife at work is very dull, as I have stabbed myself in the hand several times with it. (It really is exceptionally dull, as it does not even break skin.)

Today, I just about topped the cake.

I was standing on a ladder, reaching onto the top shelf. I wanted three boxes of baby formula, so being the truly intelligent woman that I am, I grabbed the bottom box with both hands and started to pull. I gave it a jerk and... the box broke, so I shrieked as I fell off the ladder.

Now, this story could have a really unfortunate ending, except that I fortunately landed on my feet. Thus saving my butt and my pride, as no one saw me do this. (Until now. Because I have a compulsion to share all my embarressing stories with the world.) Thus, the only consequence was an extra shot of adrenaline that I could not expend on anything.

Until a few minutes later when I almost fell off of the ladder again. This time, I dropped a six-pack of powdered formula and caught the shelf with my hand. Two of the cans got a hole punched into them. Fortunately, it was only the powered and not the liquid variety.

So seriously, don't entrust me with anything that you would not entrust a five year old with.

1 comment:

MedinaR said...

That sucks Jen, but at least like you said nobody saw you, you didn't get hurt, and althought I'm sure you were embarrassed, I would have loved to see it! haha


I was at Grant's last night.. was going to contact you, but realized my phone was dead and I have yet to remember your phone number. haha me bad!!!