Thursday, December 13, 2007


So I have been working at Zellers since I got home from Manitoba. Instead of getting me out of debt, however, I have just fallen more and more in. But things are (finally) looking up because

I GOT A NEW JOB!!! That actually uses my education! And pays twice my old job!

It is working in a group home. That would totally be great except that apparently I am a permanent float through four different houses. Which pretty much ensures that my first month is going to suck. Really suck.

I start when I get back from my crazy awesome road trip. And I get a car then too (which is totally not gonna help the in-debt situation. Nor will the trip for that matter, but you gotta make some sacrifices for the pursuit of crazy-awesomeness.)

But because I am exploring my options, I had another interview today with a different agency for doing family intervention work. It went fairly well, not awesome, but I didn't embarress myself, and there are four positions open, so I may get one of those. In which case, I will start there on January 7th.

1 comment:

Queen of West Procrastination said...

I'm excited for you that you're getting a job that uses your education! I hope that you get the better one.

(And how cute are you? "you gotta make some sacrifices in the pursuit of crazy-awesomeness")