Sunday, January 6, 2008

I am home again

It has been a little while since I have been on here, as I have been on my CRAZY AWESOME ROAD TRIP! We were travelling for about two weeks, and we got home just in time for me to start my new job tomorrow.

Which is particularly nerve wracking. And I am just hoping that I don't freak myself out about it tonight, as Rebekah is not here, and so I am alone with my thoughts. However, I have lot of stuff to distract myself with, including:
  • Blogging about my trip. I won't post them all at once though, don't want to overload you all.
  • Unpacking and laundry.
  • Making a lunch. No lunch breaks= No fast food= BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch).
  • Working on my NEW COMPUTER!!!!! My uncle surprised my sister and I with laptops for Christmas. We were totally shocked, my jaw literally dropped for five minutes. I mean, I was excited when I thought it was a laptop. I have yet to get used to Windows Vista though, it is rather odd.
  • Setting up my mom's latest toy. Before Christmas, she told me that she had arrived in the twenty-first century and told me the portable CD player she had bought herself. I laughed at her and told her that was still the twentieth century, so yesterday she officially arrived in the twenty-first century when she exchanged it for an i-pod.

Some of the awesome/classic moments on the trip include:

  • In the middle of backwoods North Dakota, we saw four Edmonton Transit System buses. It seemed a little out of place.
  • Mattress Surfing. All the way down the entire girls dorm hallway, through the foyer, and into the common room. All the boys were jealous of the girls being able to do it... they could watch us do it but could not themselves cuz they'd have to go into the girls dorm.
  • A huge massage chain on the stairs. Singing songs. Including "Ninety-nine bottles of milk on the wall"
  • Playing Settlers of Catan through the New Year and then saying "Do I hear fireworks? Is it midnight already?"

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