Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cut Loose

I don't know about you guys, but I am a terrible collector. Rebekah accuses me (justifiably so) of being a pack rat. I save e-mails. This fall I went though three large boxes full of papers I had saved, and a bookshelf of papers,and I got rid of all of the boxes. I threw out bags and bags of stuff.

I had been saving some stuff related to a certain subject (nothing bad, so relax)... e-mails, journal entries, computer files, and the like.... and today I got rid of it all. I have just finished deleteing a bunch of stuff (AND emptying the recycle bin), cut up the papers and threw them out... it was very freeing. Liberating. And yet a part of me mourns for those things I threw out, because they had been such an important part of my life at the time when I had saved them. And now they are part of the past, so I am teaching myself to let go.

1 comment:

Bronwyn said...

And tomorrow, you will realize you need them.