Monday, January 14, 2008

It has been a few days, eh?

The last few days have been, in a word, crazy.

My car is in the garage. I had it for only a week and then yesterday when I went to leave church, one of my wheels would not turn.

Yes, I know, it is completely random.

Only 75% of my wheels had the ability to turn.

So I called AMA with my brand new AMA membership and waited around with Robbie for the tow truck. That took a while, as the ditzy dispatcher confirmed my address about ten times, and I TOLD her that the street and avenue were mixed up, but she still ended up getting mixed up.

The tow truck driver was really cute though. With a slight European accent.

However, I got my estimate today and almost died... Fourteen-hundred dollars to redo all the brakes.

I'll have to wait and see what to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You still owe me the $700 I gave you to fix your brakes!