Monday, January 7, 2008

No More Hooting

It was dark out, the time of night when you are thinking that birds should be all tucked up in their tree for the night. It was in North Dakota on the interstate, where the speed limit is 75 miles an hour, where you think that intelligent animals would stay away from.

But not this one.

I have now officially killed something while driving. (Unofficially we all have- bugs and the like.) An snowy owl swooped downin from of my car and I hit it. Imediately afterwards, there was something flapping around on the front of the car, which totally terrified me, asI was convinced that it was the dying bird, stuck in the wheel well. Robbie was brave enough to go look, and told me that it was alright- it was just the turn signal that had popped loose. So we just disconnected it and headed on our way.

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