Thursday, March 6, 2008

365x11: Raimey

I went to elementary school with Raimey. I didn't like her- she was one of the popular and snobby girls in my class, and she got to wear jeans to school long before me (I wore chords of various bright, bold colors until I was in sixth grade). She didn't like me either.

She did teach me one important lesson though- people aren't always what they seem. After years of disliking each other, March of my sixth grade year, her and her best friend Michelle decided they were suddenly my best friends. And I was a niave girl who fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The friendship blossemed and we hung out all the time, biking around the neighborhood together, and they came to my twelfth birthday party.

Right after the birtrhday party, they were back to being their old selves. I never did figure out why they played with me like that. It may have been ten years ago, but it sure made me cynical.

Ah, the drama of preteen girls. I am glad we only have to go through it once.

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