Thursday, March 6, 2008

Four Things Meme

4 Jobs I have had:
  • Temp worker- doing general reception usually, it is very boring- essentially I am paid to warm a chair.
  • Group Home Worker- Yeah, and that one didn't literally blow up in my face.
  • Zellers- I actually enjoyed this one. Unfortunately, I could no longer afford it.
  • Youth Worker- Definately my favorite job. Kids are so cute!

Four Movies I can watch over and over:

Four Places I have lived:

(good thing they aren't asking for five...)

Four TV Shows I love:

Four Places I have vacationed:

Four of my favorite dishes:

Four Sites I visit daily:

  • Hotmail
  • Facebook
  • Blogger
  • Google

Four Places I would rather be right now:

  • Home
  • On a road trip
  • at the mall
  • anyplace warm

Four Bloggers I am tagging:

  • You
  • Yes you
  • Yeah, I actually meant you
  • No, not them. You.

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