Sunday, March 30, 2008

Guess Who Licked Me?


No, not Ian G., though that would be some story, and a lot more wierd and funny than this one. Ian S., a preschooler in my church. He had just finished eating some cheesy doritoes, walked up, stuck out his tongue to show me all the food caked to it, and then licked my butt (which was all he could reach), leaving behind a bunch of goop. It was a borrowed dress.

I was shocked. I sincerely hope I never licked anyone as a child.

Oh well. Now I have blackmail material for when this kid is a teenager.


Unknown said...

I tried to laugh out loud quietly in my room, but ended up just making myself cry laughing so hard... firstly, that you got your butt licked - and secondly, that it was almost near-impossible not to imagine Ian G in the scenario once he was mentioned... tears. real tears! thank you :)

Anonymous said...

I almost passed out from shock at the thought of Ian G licking you.

Nonetheless, being licked on the butt by a preschooler with a gobbie tongue on a borrowed dress is likewise shocking.

Don't tell anyone, but Lyn used to be a buttlicker when she was a preschooler, too. You should ask her about it. Ha!