Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The best laid plans of mice and men...

I thought I was set. I had finally managed to scrounge up a job. Admittedly, I hurt like I had never hurt before, but at least I was doing something, making money.

And then the snow came. It has been snowing for four straight days, and is showing no signs of letting up. The long range weather forcast is not hopeful, the snow is likely going to stay through to the end of the month and possibly even longer.

This means that any and all gardens in Edmonton are under snow. Thus, I cannot work. Thus, my current state of being broke is not likely to improve.

So yesterday I bought myself another batch of newspapers to check out the classifieds. There were a ton of landscaping jobs, which does me very little good. There was a nanny job, which I could have had, but the pay worked out to less than minimum wage. And then there were two maid services jobs. One with a $1000 signing bonus...

I wouldn't mind if it was simple upkeep. But I really don't want to be cleaning up poop. So I think I am still stuck.

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