Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So lately I have not been the most cheerful or most optimistic Blogger. Why? Well, I have been quite effective at distracting myself from my problems (I am very good at it. Even though I recognize it for what it is, which is a somewhat ineffective coping mechanism.) It is ineffective because it does not get dealt with and stockpiles until I have nothing to distract myself with- which usually happens during prayer meeting.

At least my dad is there to give me a hug. That helps.

So I decided to try journalling it, which is a very effective therepy tool. I also refused to allow myself to use backspace (unless it was to correct spelling in the word I was on). I helped. My conclusions were:

  • I am having issues dealing with my grandpa's illness. Yesterday we got yet another round of bad news. I am planning on calling my grandma tomorrow to send out another e-mail with her.
  • I am suffering major stress regarding my finances. Major major stress. I have only worked three days this month, and it is showing.
  • I am spending too much time alone in my apartment. Thus, I wish I had a more active social life. In particular, a social life that does not include eating out. I had to stop that, and now I have no social life. It really is a lose-lose situation, this whole no eating out thing.
  • I wish I had more stability in my life. In particular, job stability.
  • I am facing a big change in my living situation, which is very stressful for me and everyone else involved- the whole not knowing what is going to happen thing.
  • I am tired of spending Friday nights alone. I am also tired of not touching anyone in the week. I know it sounds wierd, but if babies need to be held and touched, I don't think that need goes away as an adult. So I want either another single friend to that likes hugs and hanging out on Friday nights or I want a boyfriend. I am leaning toward the boyfriend thing though. Though that could just be an additional stress, so who knows there?
  • I wish I felt closer to God. I wish I could pray more. I know the onus is on me (distacting myself with TV is not conductive to this goal), but it is really hard to do for some reason, and I wish I knew why.

In short... I am stressed out. There you go. Sorry for the morbidness of this post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry about all the stresses that you're feeling. I think we all have stresses of one sort or another and when it happens it is hard to feel close to God, I've been struggling with that too. I'm also so sorry about your grandpa's illness..I think of him every now and then and send up a prayer...I'll remember you guys too next time :)