Friday, April 25, 2008

The Office

I don't know how many of you watch The Office, but many of us here in Edmonton do. I have all the dvds, and compulsively follow the show.

I don't think most offices have as many love triangles as Dunder-Miffilin does:
  • In the first two seasons, Jim loves Pam who loves Roy. In season three, Pam loves Jim who loves Pam but Jim is with Karen who loves Jim.
  • Now Jim and Pam are finally together. However, Toby loves Pam who loves Jim who loves Pam. Poor Toby is getting more and more heartbroken every week, as demonstrated on last night's episode.
  • Dwight loves Angela who loves Dwight but Angela is with Andy, and Angela and Andy are both unhappy in their relationship. However, last night Dwight appeared to be moving on slightly.
  • There was the whole Carol-Michael-Jan thing going on. Then it was Michael-Jan. However, Jan seemed to be more jealous of Pam than what seems appropriate, however, this cannot be taken seriously as Jan was and is all kinds of crazy.
  • Kelly loved Ryan who, well, was a jerk. Then she moved on to Darryl. I am not sure if that is still on, but she sure is vindictive now. It is better than the blathering mess she was before.

Another thing: There are very few men in that offive who have not shown an interest in Pam. I will demonstrate. Proof of the men interested in Pam:

  • Roy was engaged to her and worked hard to win her back after the engagement broke. "You never know what you have til it's gone"
  • Jim is madly in love with her: "Ya, I have the ring. (Shows it to the camera) I got it the week after we started going out."
  • Toby is also madly in love with her. After he gets caught stroking Pam's knee by Pam, Jim, and everyone else. "I have an announcement. I am moving to Costa Rica. I have been thinking about it for a long time and I am going to do it. I am going home to pack. I'll just jog home and leave my car here and jog to work tomorrow." (Runs out of lobby, hops fence, and runs away.
  • Michael tried to kiss Pam at the Diwalli celebration. Plus he also makes lots of suggestive remarks to Pam.
  • Kevin: "Did you hear Pam's on the market again? I'd so hit that if I wasn't engaged"
  • Creed: Peers down Pam's top. She buttons it up to her chin.
  • Ryan: "Wow these sketches are really good. Do you want to go out to dinner tonight and talk them over?"
  • Andy asked Jim for advice on how to attract her attention, and fallowed it to every last banjo playing, falsetto singing, pig latin speaking detail.

Therefore, only Dwight (who loves Angela), Oscar (who is gay), Stanley (who is married), and Darryl (who is great friends with Roy and would never take Roy's girl) have not at least hit on her. Three of them are madly in love with her, Michael has a fair-sized crush, and the rest hit on her at least once.

There you go.

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