Wednesday, April 9, 2008

An update...

I am sorry that I have neglected this blog in the last week or so. It isn't like I don't have the time. I have not worked in two weeks. The ever-so-handy temp agency didn't have any work for me, so I have been looking on my own. I actually applied for a couple of social work jobs, though I have not heard back from them (none in a group home). I have had interviews for a couple office jobs and a phone interview for a gardening job, so hopefully one of those will work out.

Not having a set schedule or something to do every day is not good at all for my mental health. I spend too much time with just myself, spend hours at a time playing solitaire, getting nothing done, and just getting generally bummed out. I am also dreading when my credit card statement comes, and when the student loan companies get on my back. I really need a job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you Jennifer. I remember what an awful time being unemployed was. But you'll get through it, dude. Keep being your cheerful self.