Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Two months is embarressing

Okay when my blog said "two months" on May-B's blog, I decided it was about time to have an update. Because two months is simply embarressing. It goes beyond the "oh she is stressed out" or the "she is never busy" though both of those statements are true. Two months reaches the point where people will take you off their blogrolls. And we cannot have that, otherwise I would be sending my thoughts out to nobody except internet stalker werdo persons (who are hopefully lurking on other people's blogs. Not mine).

In basic life-news, my dad is still in the hospital. Improving, but still going to be in there til the fall at least. He is supposed to get into rehab right away, though they have been saying that for weeks now. I got into school for the fall, to finish my degree- two more years, and even more debt. My roommate moved away and my sister moved in with me.

I went on vacation last week to church camp, hoping to relieve my stress, however, it did not work. I am still incredibly stressed out. In addition, my work hours are becoming more and more irregular and unpredictable, thus my debt is unlikely to get better. I feel terribly guilty when I don't make it out to see my dad, and when I do see him I feel guilty for wanting to leave and not knowing what to say because he isn't him anymore. I saw him on Sunday and he was just in this awful daze. I can occasionally talk to him on the phone, but it is really frustrating for everybody as it is nearly impossible to understand him.

Yesterday I worked two hours. Today I worked thirteen. Tomorrow I work none at my regular job, though I will clean the church so that is a bit of work I suppose.

We got a kitten on Sunday night. His name is Felix, and he is adorable, and playful, and thankfully he now cries less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is embarassing is when my sister proves, once again, that she cannot spell.