Thursday, October 30, 2008

Anne and Gilbert

I have just finished reading the first three books in the Anne series- I borrowed them from Lynn yesterday, I'll have to switch them out for some new ones tomorrow- and I know it is late and I have to get up early for school tomorrow, but I am not quite ready for bed yet.

I postively adore Gilbert Blythe. He was so patient and persistant with Anne, and loved her even when she treated him like garbage or discounted his love. He taught her that love is not being carried away into the sunset to a castle, but that rather love is walking through life together, enjoying the simpleness of everyday life. Whenever I am unhappy or sad in the next few days, I shall simply think of Gilbert, and that'll make me smile.

I'm afraid I haven't got Anne's charming way with words though. Nor her imagination. I don't imagine people or faries out of flower gardens and brooks. My imagination has to do with ridiculous scenerios that I am mystically plopped into and how I would use my wit and practicalness to figure my way through them.

I do think I have some of Davy's talent for jumping from topic to topic. I usually don't let the randomness of my thoughts out of my head too much, unless I am tired. I was tired yesterday afternoon, walking around campus with my friend Mark, and I was chattering away and topic-jumping. I was a bit worried that he'd think me crazy, but to his credit, he managed to keep up with the randomness of my thoughts. Not many people can do that when I really get random and chattering. I know when other people do it I certainly can't keep up.

I am trying to pick out who my favorite character would be, other than Anne and Gilbert of course. I really identify with Phil, and Davy is so cute, and Marilla and Rachel are both such rich characters under their stern facades. Oddly enough, I am not too fond of Miss Lavender, it is though she is just a bit too good and sweet. Reading about someone that ridiculously sweet... it is like eating a whole plateful of Death by Chocolate... Sweetness is good in small, portioned doses in a person, but too much is just... to much.

I'm glad I borrowed the books. I definately needed it after the paper I wrote tonight on such a sad topic... I really should have done two papers, but the other one was just as sad, so I decided to be done after writing just one paper.

I think I sense a bit of randomness coming on. I might be getting tired.

If I could invent one thing, one crazy-out-of-this-world-thing, I'd invent a teleportation device. I'd only make one though, and not tell anyone the secret of it, for that isn't something you'd want just anyone getting their hands on. I know in theory, it doesn't seem crazy and out of this world, but in practice, who would ever try it out the first time? I wouldn't! Anyways, I would wear it like a watch, except I don't like watches. Maybe it would be on the inside of a beautiful locket. At any rate, I would use it to keep up with friends that don't live here. There are ever so many people that I could be best friends with that live thousands of miles away, and then there are best friends that do live thousands of miles away. Plus imagine all the time I'd save never having to take the bus anymore! I would miss road trips, so I would still take them, because most of the places you see you see on a road trip.

That's the kind of imaginings I have, not the sort that Anne has. But I really enjoyed reading about Anne's imaginings. It was very good for me, so hopefully I shall be able to stay composed in church this week. I have a terrible habit of storing everything up all week and distracting myself very well, and then at church there is no distracting myself and I end up all emotional. Likely everyone at church thinks I have mental health issues. I'll admit to not taking quite as much care of it as I should, but I certainly would not diagnose myself with anything. This week I will be at church in Calgary, so I had better not get emotional there. Oh well, if I feel it coming on, I shall just play with Taliah and thus continue distracting myself.

I have to get up in six hours and a bit. I really ought to go to bed. I hope you enjoyed my rambling again.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

Jen, have you read The Blue Castle yet? Barney Snaith is the best of the Montgomery men. Seriously, you can tell that LMM had a crush on him.

The Wisper said...

I have read The Blue Castle, but not for a while. Perhaps I will borrow it after I am done the Anne series.