Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yesterday, Felix the kitten got nuetered. I brought him home and he was still a little high off of the drugs- I have never seen such a clumsy cat. He would try to jump ono my lap, and he would fall short. He would try to walk under the coffee table, and his plastic head cone would band and he couldn't do it. He was backing everywhere, trying to get rid of the cone. He was even tripping over things!

This morning, Felix has figured out how to get the cone off. We put it on him three times in five minutes, and each time his hate for us grew. We called the vet and they explained how to make a harness out of shoelace. We ut that on him, and he hated us so much, and he promptly got it off. So we redid it tighter, and he hated us even more. He has ran off to hide from us. I'll go check...

It's still on! We may have won this round.

It is supposed to be on for at least four days though. It is unlikely that we will win the war.

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