Saturday, October 11, 2008

Random late night ravings

I really should be going to bed, as it is past 11:30, and my cat NEVER lets me sleep in, and I have read late into the night most nights this week. However, I don't want to be left alone in my own head, so I am going to stay up until I am so exhausted I will not have time to think before I fall asleep. Instead, I am exposing all of you to my randomness:
  • My hair is finally long enough that I can put it into a ponytail. I know that my hair is long past ponytail length, but do remember that I have no skills in this area. I have been growing my hair out for over a year, since I cut it really short and then decided I wanted long hair.
  • My favorite moment of Grant and Rebekah's wedding was after they had been pronounced husband and wife, when the dads were praying their blessing, and Dan called Rebekah his little chubby cheeks. She hit him! Right in the wedding. Most people missed it, but I did not, as I was right there. AWESOME wedding by the way.
  • Speaking of the wedding, I have never seen (OK, yes I have, every camp, but go with me on this) so many gorgeous women in one room! Rebekah was stunning, all the bridesmaids were hot, even though we were dosed up with with cold medication, and the Amundson sisters were drop-dead gorgeous. Many of us had our hair done by this amazing woman (I never could have accomplished what she did), but my prode and joy is that I did my own make-up and it was awesome. Some close up shots will be coming on Facebook soon.
  • My dad's therapy is not going well lately. He is not making progress, and is in fact losing a lot of ground. He is supposed to have surgury next week to put the shunt in. He is getting quite depressed, as he knows he is getting worse, and he wants to go home and get back to work. Visiting him is hard work, because most of the time he just screams, and when he is coherant, it is impossible to cheer him up.
  • Every person needs to manage their own mental health. I have always said this, and always will say it- it is like managing your physical health- eat right, excersise, go to the doctor when sick... I've been having a hard time managing my mental health lately. Don't worry, no voices, but I cry far to easily, I have such a hard time getting out of bed and doing stuff- especially when I don't have school. I am having a really hard time being positive lately.
  • But I will get through it. I just need to manage my mental health more effectively.
  • James Blunt is coming to Edmonton in November!!!!!!!!!! I have tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • School. Writing papers. Visiting my dad. Trying (and failing) to keep my house clean. Trying (and failing) to eat properly. Trying to keep a social life and keep my friends. I was crazy to think I could fit a job into the mix. Luckily, I figured that much out before I tried (and failed) that.
  • My cat is psycho. He has three moods: 1. Sleep hard. He could dangle from the ceiling and sleep. This morning he slept for four hours on my shoulder. Another favorite spot of his is on top of my moniter. 2. Feed me! meow-meow-meow-meow. He will purr if he sees you going to get his can of food. He is also a terrible mooch. 3.Hyper-crazy-I-think-I-can-fly-bounce-off-the-walls-tip-over-chairs-bounce-off-people-run-in-circles-hyper.
  • But I still love him. But mostly when he sleeps, or chases the mouse on the moniter.
  • It is tomorrow. But I am still not tired. I should get some food. I really should wash my pots.
  • Now that I have retired my car and am riding the bus again, I am once again being hit on by creepy men at bus stops.
  • I am not going to wash my pots after midnight. I am not that crazy.
  • The cat is watching the letters appear on my moniter. He loves my moniter.
  • Maybe I am a little sleepy.
  • I borrowed Ironman (love that movie!) and 21 (want to see that movie). I made myself not watch them tonight. My cat just attacked my hand
  • goodnight

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you, kiddo. Am thinking about you tonnes and praying for your whole family. Make sure that Lyn helps you take care of your mental health once in a while. She's always good for that for me!