Sunday, November 16, 2008

December 13

At the moment, the day I am looking forward to the most is December 13. Why? I know, it isn't Christmas, or New Years, or my birthday, or anything suer-exciting like that.

If it can be believed, December 13 is even more exciting than that. December 13 is the day that term is over!!! No more assignments after that!! At the moment, assignments are the bane of my existance. They plaugue me. They are like a parasite, no, multiple parasites.... Of course before the assignments are done, I have to do them... two creative assignments, half a dozen journal entries, three papers, one annoted bibliography, one book club project, one test, and likely a bunch of other stuff I forgot.

I am grateful there is only one test. :)

Although this week I have another really exciting thing to look forward to- I am going to the JAMES BLUNT concert!!!! Oh, and Bones season 4 comes out on DVD.

And then I have Christmas to look forward to, with Rebekah's visit, and New Years...

And then a gross block week course. But I guess we can't have everything in life.

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