Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day of Grace

I am having a difficult time coming up with good blogging material lately, so I thught I'd try something that May-B has been doing lately. Each day (though I will probably not keep up) you are supposed to list 5 things you are thankful for that day.
  • My cat. There is nothing as content in the world as a cat asleep on your lap, purring. His contentednesss rubs off on me. Admittedly he is a total brat, and really annoying sometimes (all of our kitchen cuboard doors are tied shut because he likes to get into the cupboards and eat the spaghetti), but he is so cute, and I adore him.
  • It was a really nice day out today. No wind, and sunny. I almost missed the bus, and ran outside without my touque and gloves, but I wasn't cold.
  • My clean kitchen and cupboard full of clean dishes! Laura and I did that this morning, and I feel so much better... I do enjoy cleanliness, even if I am really lazy.
  • There is a new Office episode on tonight! Apparently Merideth's hair is going to catch fire... Gotta feel sorry for Merideth- everything bad seems to happen to her. She has been bitten by a bat, hit by a car and broken her hip, and now her hair... so sad.
  • I threw out a ton of my school papers today! I kept my assignments I did and the course sylubuses. The rest of it is gone!

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