Thursday, September 17, 2009

How much longer?

I am at work.

At work, I have a caseload as well as some projects.

Both projects have meetings next week for which I am fully prepared, and cannot do anymore on until after the meetings.

The caseload is really quiet. The person I took over for has been off intake for a while. The rest of the people either: a) don't need me and won't call me OR I am awaiting other people to finish their tasks.

As such, I am bored.

The sleepiness is a different story. I stayed up late last night reading until 3:30 and then I could not sleep until 5ish. My alarm was for eight. I think I am gettting old. I used to be able to do this no problem and now my eyes are crossed and I see double. Hopefully that is due to my sitting in front of a computer, mind and body not being excersised.

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