Saturday, June 12, 2010

Survivor Application

I am not applying to Survivor. They wouldn't consider me because I am not American, I wouldn't consider it because the thought of living in my swimsuit for a month makes me want to throw up, and I don't even qualify because you have to be able to swim, which I can't because of my control issues with the water. However, they do have an interesting batch of questions on their application form, so I thought I'd give you my potential answers. I's skipping all the identifying information, and the physical descriptors section.

1. Current occupation in two words.
Currently, admin asistant, but really social worker. So I would write social worker.
2.What do you do at work, or what is your major in school.
I am earning my social work degree. I help people reach their goals.
3. In what other occupations have you been employed? Last three.
Admin assistant, nanny, cleaning lady.
4.What is your level of education and how many instituations did you attend?
I have a college diploma and have one term left until a degree. I have attended three or four instituations (depends how you define attend. I have cards from four.).
5. Are you in a fraternity or society?
Gosh no, that would be so embarressing.
6. Do you hold a leadership position? Describe.
Officially, no. However, I often take a leadership role in my youth group and recently planned a weekend youth retreat.
7. Name three of your favorite hobbies.
Reading (primarily romance novels), travelling (usually road trips), and social networking.
8. Not including where you currently live, what other cities and countries did you live in? Why did you live there?
I lived on a farm outside my current city when I was growing up. I lived in Winnipeg for two months after graduating college for a church mission.
9. List three adjectives that best describe yourself.
Oh boy... ummm..... kind, optimistic, loyal.
10. How do your friends describe you?
I'd like to believe they would concur with the above descriptors, and add in funny and smart.
11. What are your pet peeves?
When someone is left out, people jumping on the apartment floor, drivers that make poor passing decisions.
12. If you could hold any public office, what would it be and why?
I think I would enjoy being an MLA or provincial cabinet minister. Most of my interests in the political arena lie in areas covered by the provinces- health care, disability, elderly, social assistance, education.
13. What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
There are lots of things I am proud of. I will be pretty proud of earning my degree. I am proud of being a good friend, being able to hold it together in a crisis, some influence I have had as a social worker.
14. Do you have pets? Name and type. I have two cats, Felix (2 years old) and Kenzie (20 years old). Felix is very funny and has lots of crazy antics. Kenzie is a bed hog.
15. Vegetarian or meat eater?
Meat eater.
16. Favorite TV show?
This is hard to pick! I really only like shows that have some element of comedy... Chuck, Bones, Friends, Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother.
17.Favorite movie?
Most likely A Walk To Remember.
18. Favorite music to listen to?
Also hard. I like country and soft rock- Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Antebellum, Kenny Chesney, Five for Fighting, Daniel Powter, Switchfoot.
19. What magazines do you read?
ReadersDigest and People, though I will look through a fashion magazine once in a while.
20. How much Survivor have you seen?
There have been a few seasons that I have watched obsessely (usually all star seasons) but I try to avoid it so I don't get sucked in. Plus, I pick Bones over Survivor.
21.Which Survivor contestant do you most relate to?
Not sure. My favorite is Boston Rob, though I am not much like him. Maybe Jerri, in the latest season.
22. Who would you choose for your loved ones visit?
My mom or sister. Of course, neither of them has a passport, so I'd likely have to pick someone else. Ummmm...... I'd get a friend.
23. Describe your perfect day:
I would slowly wake up, with the sun making my room nice and bright and cheerful. I'd cuddle my cats before breakfast. I would spend the morning and lunch with my family- maybe do some shopping. In the afternoon, I would get dressed to kill, and go out with my friends for supper, and then maybe go play games at someone's house. I would have a man to flirt with and we'd go for a walk in the evening, and then just before bed I would catch up on Facebook.
24. Applied to any other shows, been a performer, or been in a TV show or ad?
25. Know a reality show contestant?
26. Do you belong to any affiliations or organizations?
My professional organization, my union through work.
27.Body art?
28. Favorite sport?
To watch? Hockey. Go Oilers! To play? Does bowling count?
29. Who is your hero and why?
My parents are my heroes, because no matter what kind of struggle comes their way, they buckle down and get done what needs to be done. And they have had struggles. Throughout their struggles, they are always able to find the positive side, the light moment, and I really hope I am like them in this regard.
30. 3 non survivor items you would take and why.
-Bible- I would need strength in God to get through the experience.
- Allergy medication. Self explanitory.
- Glasses/sunglasses. I want to see.
- If any of the above items is a survivor item and doesn't count on the list, then I would take a deck of cards to pass time with.
31. What would be the craziest, wildest thing you would do for a million dollars?
Swim. Run. Climb. Any kind of jumping out of a plane thing (with a safe landing of course).
32. What past Survivor would you play most like? Why? I actually have no idea- I don't know how I'd respond or what situation I would find myself in. I would definately not give away my immunity or lie about who I am (that Katrina story, really??)
33. What would you not do for a million dollars?
Wear a bikini in front of a camera.
34. What is your favorite topic at a dinner party? What's off limits?
I'd be willing to talk about anything at a dinner party- it all depends on the attitudes of the people in the conversation.When the attitudes get bad, then its off limits.
35. What skills do you bring to Survivor that would make you a useful tribe member?
I am pretty good at keeping the peace. Before arriving, I would research and practise wilderness survivor skills- I'd relay on my brains and heart, not my brawn.
36. If you were stranded, who would you most want to be stranded with?
A man who has some wilderness knowledge, is fairly strong, and is easygoing. Not someone high maintanance or fussy or anxious. Why a man? I figure he'd be physically stronger than me, which would be more useful than another me.
37. Primary and secondary motivations for being on the show?
Not applying to the show, but if I was, it would be first the money, and secondly, doing something so wild and crazy to prove I can.
38. LAst outdoor experience you had?
Well, I was just on a walk outside. Camping? It's been a few years.
39. What sports do you do regularly?
Once a year I play Prisoners Base. Once a year I play three legged kickball. Once a year I play British Bulldog pick up.
40. What's your swimming ability?
Not at all.
41. Any serious physical or mental illnesses in last two years?
42. Allergies and treatment:
I haven't been tested but I am pretty sure dust, mildew, pollen, freshly cut grass, fur. I take an allergy pill every other day.
43. Arrested? No.
44. Why do you believe you will be the final Survivor?
I don't. But were I sending this in, I would say something along the lines of being nice and gaining confidences.

And Done!

1 comment:

Rose said...

#23 sounds exactly how I would describe my perfect day. Aaah even just reading it looks relaxing and amazing!!