Monday, January 7, 2008

May-B was right

I think I need the stuff I threw out.

Gah!!! I need to stick to my guns. I mean, I made a logical and rational decision. I felt really good about it. I mean, it opened up my options, and it was making me see reality- maybe it was a harsh side of reality, but Iwas so sure it was right. New year, new direction, right?

But now that I am second guessing myself I am thinking that maybe I am just sabatouging myself.

But then I think that just cuz I am back in my normal space I am simply falling back into old habits.

And surely I can handle that.

Gah!!! (mentally hitting myself over the head)

I need to stick to my guns. I know exactly what bad habits I am falling into. I have already analyzed myself throughly and I know I have to stick to my guns.

Good thing I remembered to empty the recycle bin.

Sorry that this made no sense.


Bronwyn said...

Ha! I'm always right. But don't worry. There is nothing you can't replace or redo or figure out.

Susantha said...

Nice blogging!