Monday, December 15, 2008


My grandpa H passed away today. We are happy that he didn't suffer any pain, right up to the end, which was a real miracle. My grandma says she is doing okay, concentrating on the details I think, and the same with my mom. As coping mechanisms go, it is a fairly good one.

Grandpa was a real craftsman. His garage was his woodshop, and he made lots of neat little jokes in there. His favorite was the quarterpounder- a block of wood in the shape of a hamburger with a quarter in it. He would make little toy trucks for the Santa Christmas drive. He made each of his granddaughters a beautiful wooden jewelery box for Christmas one year. It was lined with felt. I still use mine, it is one of my favorite items. He got into model trains. The rec room of their old house got changed into his model train display and collection. When they moved, he convinced everyone to start a model train club. By the time it got started, he was too sick to attend much, but he was proud of that. He would always have a funny story or a joke ready to tell- after all, he was Irish. He and Grandma would play Skip-Bo or Tile Rummy every night, so to beat him at it was exciting. He would often get up to say stuff in church- I lived in another city, so wasn't there much, but from what I can tell, he usually whelled up and tried to encourage everyone.

Of course, we had our differences- very different political and personal ideologies, more different then I think he realized, but I always knew that Grandpa loved me. He was a very earnest man and always took his responsiblities seriously. He shovelled the snow from the front of the church. For years, he took care of the plumbing needs at camp. Often my grandparents would have out of towners stay at their house because they were close to the airport. For like thirty years my grandparents helped at Park Valley camp, right up til a few years ago.

I will miss Grandpa.


Bum Atom said...

sounds like your grandpa is looking down on you from heaven

LynnieC said...

We have cake downstairs, if you need it. We love that you mentioned the quarter pounder with cheese. That thing was hilarious. We'll miss Uncle Jim. Love you. (From Ky and Lyn)

Anonymous said...

Hugs and prayers to you and your family. Your grandpa was a real trooper.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Oh honey, I'm so sorry to hear this. We'll really miss Uncle Jim, and I'm sending you so many hugs.

Bronwyn said...

I am so sorry Jen. My Dad told me and I was so heartbroken for you. Uncle Jim was awesome. Especially his slippers during church and the quarter pounder. I'm sending big hugs your way, kiddo.

DC Power said...

My sympathy to you and your family. He was a wonderful person. And he was very special cousin to my Mom. I was glad to have had a good visit with him when we were in PA last month. David C

Anonymous said...

jen your grandparents are very special people. they took such good care of me when i was in saskatoon- inviting me over for supper and everything. one time i walked in late to prayer meeting and heard uncle jim asking God to make sure i ate more protein :)