Thursday, February 12, 2009

I was an ENFJ.... it changed

You Are An INFP
The Idealist

You are a creative person with a great imagination. You enjoy living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close to you.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.

In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards.
You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings.

At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak


Queen of West Procrastination said...

Really? INFP like Ky and me? You should try It's super good with the Myers-Brigg test and the multiple intelligences.

Rob-bear said...

Without even taking the test, I know I'm INFJ. So, what is an INFJ doing blogging? Hmmmm . . .

I'll think it over after I've finished hibernating.