Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Random bits of nonsense

Feast was great- there were lots of people there this year. Highlights included holding the babies (so many babies! and pregnant ladies!) including the highly memorable moment of getting peed upon. I had a new dress, which (I don't think I am bragging too much when I say this) I looked great in.

I am done at PDD. For now at least. I can easily see myself back there in the future. I went to have the dramatic moment of wiping myself off of the sign in board and- I was on there with permanent marker! How awesome is that?!

Today, I was all about productivity. I drove Lyn to the airport, went to the gym for a couple hours, and cleaned house. My house was a super horrible mess before I started, but it is so much nicer now (dishes and laundry done, everything s tidy, garbage is taken out- I even dusted the living room!). Tomorrow is gonna be all about floors and cleaning closets.

I dug my cat's toy mouse out from under the couch today. It is his favorite toy, but he rarely has it because it is under the couch so much. I tied the mouse onto a shoelace that he likes, and he can't believe how awesome it is.I was swinging it around for him, and he lept halfway across the living room after it, and at the tallest point of his leap, was about as tall as I am. Too bad I didn't get a picture of it.

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