Monday, May 4, 2009

Stolen from May-B

What are your current obsessions? Road Trips, Viva La Vida by Coldplay, getting rid of junk, and Bones

Which item from your wardrobe do you wear the most often? my favorite bra. if you see me, odds are I am wearing it.

What's for dinner? no idea. I will probably find something with Coral

What is your greatest fear at the moment?That my plans will all fall apart and next thing you know years have gone by and I am doing what I am doing right now. All alone.

What are you listening to?The fan I stuck in the window to get some fresh air in here. It is a windy day, but none of that wind is helping my windows out at all.

If you were a god/goddess what would you be? Hmmm.... maybe of cats. I could cuddle cats all day. soounds good to me.

What are your favourite holiday spots? Anywhere that I can hang out with friends.

What are you reading right now? I am never in the middle of a book unless it is in my hand. I read all my books in one sitting. I can finish a typical romance novel in under two hours.

What are four words that describe you? Compassionate, intelligent, silly, extroverted

What is your guilty pleasure? chocolate. fast food. anything unhealthy.

Who or what makes you laugh? my cat

What is your favourite spring thing to do?stretcvh out on a blanket in the sun

Where are you planning to travel next?I am going to Saskatchewan for May Long

What is the best thing you ate or drank lately? I had a pretty good wrap for supper last night

When was the last time you were tipsy? I have never been tipsy

What is you favourite ever film? I cannot choose

What is the biggest life lesson you've learned from your kids?I do not have kids

What song can't you get out of your head?I dont haveanything in my head right now and I want to keep it that way.

What book do you know you should read but refuse to? Lord of the Rings

What is your physical abnormality/abnormal physical ability?I have a crooked arm- not enough to be wierd, but enough to make me lousy at sports

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