Thursday, July 16, 2009


I now answer to Stephanie. There is a woman in the office, perfectly nice, I'm sure I would like her a lot. She is one of those people that always likes to use people's names in a conversation, as it makes people feel important and respected, blah, blah, blah.

I used to know her name, back when I thought she knew mine. I didn't forget her name on purpose, it just naturally happened as I realized she didn't know mine.

The first time she called me Stephanie, I thought it was just a slip- it happens to people all the time. I mean, most of the time my mom mixes up mine and my sister's names, and she named us. So I am used to things like that happening.

But now it has happened many times. How long can something like that go on before it goes past the point it can be corrected? Because I think it is past the point of no return now.

I mean, I can re-learn her name anytime I want. Her name is on her office door! Mine isn't. Which is worse do you think? And what can be said the day when we are in a meeting together and she calls me Stephanie?

Especially if Stephanie happens to be in the meeting?

1 comment:

Bronwyn said...

You have to tell her. In the nicest way possible. When she says "Stephanie" stop and say "Actually, it's Jennifer". Then, you can make her feel foolish, without actually being mean!