Friday, March 5, 2010

Why locksmiths are heroes

Laura and I keep the knob on our door locked. When Laura got home last night, I heard her messing around with the key, a pause, and then she knocked. I went to let her in, and the doorknob wouldn't turn, so I told her to stop holding the doorknob on her side. It turned out that when she had put the key in the lock, the knob had fallen off into her hands. She was locked out and I was locked in.

So I tried opening the door with a hanger and she tried fitting the lock back on. We tried having each of us turning the doorknob- nothing worked. Laura went to go get the apartment manager while I quickly tidied the house. Manager wasn't home, so I googled 'Edmonton locksmith' and called the first place that came up and they agreed to come up and do an after hours call. I was understandably panicky and clausterphobic about being locked in, so Laura and I sat on opposite sides of the door and talked until the locksmith arrived (I would never survive in jail- I never thought being locked in was something I'd get panicky over, but I so totally did).

The locksmith quickly opened the door and changed the doorknob. He was there 15 minutes, and when you do the math, he made in 3 minutes what I make in an hour.The manager is still gonna have to have a locksmith come to change the knob, cuz it is just a knob, not a lock (we still have our chain and deadbolt). I am also going to submit a bill to the landlord, which I really hope I get re-imbursed for.

It was an interesting night.

Added: To the chicken who showed up on my blog, called me names, said I was stupid, didn't leave a name, criticized the work of the professional I hired, and claimed I was disrespecting your profession: You are an arrogant jerk. You may have noticed I deleted your comment. That's because no one is allowed to insult my on MY BLOG. If you have concerns about the professionalism of another locksmith, feel free to state your concerns in a polite, informative manner, hopefully including links to a reputable site to give credence to your concerns. I refuse to be insulted and deal with your long rambling rant that did not have any references to back you up. Like I have said before, feel free to state your opinions, but do so in a respectful manner. Because of the manner you chose to state your concerns, I have utterly disregarded your advice. I feel confident that my safety in my home is exactly the same as it was before this incident. So, REAL LOCKSMITH, you might want to think about your professionalism instead of my supposed naiviety.


Camila Blogger said...

I like your blog, it's different from my life. And you seem witty and like you belong in a novel :) in a good way. I have no idea how to subscribe to you... help?

Camila Blogger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Wisper said...

Hi Camilla,
I don't know, actually. I put bloggers I usually read on my favorites list on my computer, or use other peoples links.
I hope the novel I am in has a happy ending :) Also, thank you for the witty compliment, I admire witty people very much.

MartinB said...

Hmmm ... I have just started a blog called Laux Myth about the locksmith trade. I was looking to see what other blogs might have on the topic and your post came up.

Hey ... I was on-call the evening of 5 March! (However, I do not recall doing a call like you describe but honestly it would blend into the background as quite ordinary for me.)

Glad it all worked out for you. Did the landlord ever cover the tab?


Anonymous said...

I had the same thing happen! But really, though; locksmiths are heroes. Sounds like your Edmonton locksmith was particularly good. I tried the hanger route, too, and a couple of tools I had lying around, but I made absolutely no progress. Of course, the locksmith had precisely the right tool when he arrived, and took all of a minute and a half to get my door open. I keep him on speed-dial, now.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading this post, i find it very interesting honestly i learned something new here that i can apply to my locksmith business.

Locksmith lynnwood Wa said...

Thanks for the post on locksmiths. I have read your whole post and I really liked it.

Unknown said...

The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I stood at my door for 30 minutes trying to open my door with the key, but nothing happened. Once the locksmith got there, it was all of 5 minutes before he got me my home. Thank goodness for locksmiths!

Sara Welsh |

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

It turned out that when she had put the key in the lock, the knob had fallen off into her hands. She was locked out and I was locked in. george littleton

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


BroadwayLocksmithNYCBlogger said...


CobraLocksmithsBlogger said...


ProLocksmithDaytonBlogger said...
