Friday, March 20, 2009

100th post

This is my 100th post on this blog. I have had two previous blogs, here and here. The first one gave up the ghost when I had technical issues with google and passwords and whatnot. The second one ended when I got sick of Livejournal and switched back to Blogger with a new profile. I haven't always been the most frequent blogger, but I have been blogging since 2005, when I had just finished high school but before I moved out. Since then, I have moved out, had some great roommates, gotten my diploma, worked a bunch of sucky jobs, and generally grown up a lot. Every once in a while I amuse myself by reading back over my old posts and kinda remember the way things used to be.

2005: Years later, snoring neighbors still keep me awake nights. This post attracted more traffic to my blog than anything else I have written. Those were the days when not only did I keep up with my readings, I wrote out notes from them.

2006: I wrote the best waiting-for-the-bus song ever, which I actually sang today. I still enjoy memes far too much. I have many many many creepy old men hitting on me stories, which are excellent for amusing younger girls in the dorms with.

2007: I gave myself advice, and I still agree with every word. I pulled an occasional prank. I attended a lousy conference with terrible food. I went on a crazy awesome road trip.

2008: I had the suckiest job of my life, let go of something I'd been hoping for for a long time, tried to pick it up again, went through tragedy, got a cat, and went back to school.

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